Golf Lessons

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 Lesson Rates




Private Launch Monitor Lesson: All the benefits of a private lesson with more in-depth analysis. A Trackman (Seattle) or Foresight (Bellevue) swing analysis is a private lesson with the a swing monitor and a detailed visual breakdown of your swing including slow motion video. This game changing method is best for those who are visual learners and serious about getting the ball flight they’ve always wanted. Recommended For: Fixing a slice/hook, distance control and any golf nut.

Click To Purchase Price Savings
Private Launch Monitor Single Lesson $65 -
Private Launch Monitor 3 Lesson Series $180 $15
Private Launch Monitor 5 Lesson Series $290 $35
Private Launch Monitor 8 Lesson Series $450 $70


Junior Private Launch Monitor Lessons: All the benefits of a private lesson with more in-depth analysis. A Trackman (Seattle) or Foresight (Bellevue) swing analysis is a private lesson with the a swing monitor and a detailed visual breakdown of your swing including slow motion video. This game changing method is best for those who are visual learners and serious about getting the ball flight they’ve always wanted. Recommended For: Fixing a slice/hook, distance control and any golf nut.

Click To Purchase Price Savings
Junior Private Launch Monitor Single Lesson $50 -
Junior Private Launch Monitor 3 Lesson Series $140 $10
Junior Private Launch Monitor 5 Lesson Series $225 $25
Junior Private Launch Monitor 8 Lesson Series $315 $85


Tour Performance Lesson: (Tukwila Only) Tour Performance lessons are the highest level of teaching and diagnostics offered in the state. The new industry standard at the Professional level is fully body scans and building the golf swing to the individuals movement patterns. We utilize advanced Biomechanics in combination with Ground force reaction to create the Ideal swing for you as an individual. Advanced 3D motion capture in combination with 2D ground force reaction plates with the highest level of optical golf ball and club data capture offered in the industry. Get the same treatment the Pros do at Puetz Golf Tukwila.  

Click To Purchase Price Savings
Tour Performance Lesson $195 -
Tour Performance 3 Lesson Series $540 $45
Tour Performance 6 Lesson Series $995 $175



Ladies Night: Every Tuesday from 6-7 p.m. students will get professional instruction on all aspects of the game. All skill levels are welcomed and it is a fun, relaxed way to learn the game and meet other aspiring golfers! Classes are $35 per student and all the golf balls you can hit are included! This popular night is limited to the first 10 students to sign-up.

Click To Purchase Price
Ladies Night Group Clinic $35






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